Since writing the last post on this blog, I’ve been training as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist.  The training is going well, but is very lengthy and there is still a while to go before I finish.  I’ve also bought and discarded another German car and switched to a Spanish car that seems to suit me much better, and I’ve moved house and our children have grown up and flown the nest mostly.  Not much has changed at all in relation to my family of origin, sadly.  Re-reading some of the posts, I am humbled that those of you who have chosen to comment have found something in them that chimes with your experience.  I’ve got some different ideas about things now, including my own struggles.  Part of me would like to take up writing here again, but part of me has difficulties with remaining anonymous (and not accountable for my views) and yet another part of me knows that my work as a psychotherapist is probably best served by my patients not knowing too much about me.  So for now, I just wanted to bring the blog up to date.  All is well, and I am glad if reading any of these posts has left you feeling less alone.